Book Blogger Hop: July 28th - August 3rd

Do you read tie-in novels to movies or television series? If so, which ones? - Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer
My initial reaction:

Then I remembered something...

Yep, I have read Voyager tie-ins. 


  1. Love your animations. :)

    I have to say no to this question.

    Have a good weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. Those were hilarious! People keep mentioning Star Trek. I wonder if I made a mistake latching on to Star Wars... I'm not super mad about it.
    Happy Friday
    My Hop

    1. I never really got into Star Wars, but I grew up in a Trekkie (or Trekker if you prefer) family. I have a huge soft spot for Voyager as it was the only time we were allowed to eat in front of the TV instead of at the dinner table.

  3. I've heard really great things about some of the Star Trek books. I haven't read any but mostly because the main ones I'm aware of are more in the sci-fi genre which isn't a genre I read a lot from. I do love Star Trek Next Generation. And the best thing is it's always on on some channel or other so I can always watch it if needed!

    1. I'm generally not into the Sci-Fi genre as a whole, but a lot of the newer stuff is less.... "techie" than it used to be. For the Star Trek tie-ins, I would recommend them if you enjoy the shows they are attached to. Most of them are things that happen after the series have ended so it's a nice way to continue with the characters.

  4. LOL my mom would LOVE that first gif. She's a sponge bob fan.
