My Favorite.. Actress

My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

This week's topic: Actress 

So, initially, when I read this one, my first thought was the one, the only, the Streep...

Why, yes, I will have #merylwasrobbed engraved on my headstone.

And, as wonderful and fabulous Meryl Streep is she's not my absolute favorite. 

My modest collection. (I do own a few more books on her, but they are also ebooks.)
That red book is a signed edition of Timebends by Arthur Miller.
Okay, she's not the world's greatest actress, but there is something fascinating about her. 
My favorite movie of hers is Some Like it Hot, though, to be fair. It's not really a "Marilyn" movie so much as a Lemmon/Curtis buddy movie that happens to star her.
Acting wise, I'd say Misfits is my favorite. It showed she could act and had a lot more depth than she was given credit for at the time.


  1. Marilyn Monroe is a great choice! And you're right, there is something about her that just draws you to her.

    1. This was a tough choice. I actually wrote this blog entry about 3 or 4 times trying to choose just one! *^-^*

  2. I have to admit I've never seen Marilyn Monroe in a movie! Off course I've seen little bits of her, and I've seen a lot of pictures etc.. But a whole movie, no!
    My Favorite is definitely Emma Watson. I just love her! And Julia Roberts is one of my favorites too!
    Thanks for joining and sharing your favorite! ;)

    1. Admittedly, as much as I *love* her, I've only seen a handful of her movies. There is something just very fascinating about her.

      I do love Emma Watson! She is just an all around lovely person. :)
