My Favorite .. Fantasy Novel

My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

This week's topic: Fantasy Novel
Damn, this was a hard one. I say that a lot, but this one is for different reasons.

I love the Fantasy genre, but my all time favorite, which also holds a lot of meaning to me is:

The Mists of Avalon

There's a lot of (completely understandable) controversy around the author now so it's not easy to come out with this one.

I read this when I was 18-19 and it spoke to me. It was magic. I cannot put into words what this book did for me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It was so powerful I used to reread this one once every 1-2 years to rejuvenate myself.

I purchased a copy because the library I was borrowing it from only had 2 copies and it was clearly being passed around me and two other readers so I was having to slowly read it bit by bit in what little free time I had. At the time, I rarely bought books, especially new ones and/or non-mass market editions, but I was enjoying this one and getting tired of having it for two weeks and then having to wait another week or two to get it back. (I also didn't have a driver's license so I was having to acquire rides to the library on top of this!)


Ever since the author's daughter came forward I haven't touched it.

I've read opinions about regarding this and while there is a lot of "No one should ever, ever read this or any of the other books by this author ever again," the general consensus is that art should be separate from the artist - especially when the artist is dead and it's not possible to contribute to evil. I am not sure where I fall into this. Sometimes I feel one way and then others I feel the opposite.

(Note: The publisher of her digital backlog for ebooks and one series takeover author now donate all profits from her books to Save the Children and RAINN respectively.)

I'm not opposed to anyone reading it (including myself), it's just difficult to separate from. However, it still remains my favorite, even if I am never able to bring myself to read it again.


  1. I feel much the same way you do about this one, Shannon. Mists of Avalon had a big impact on me when I read it. It is such an amazing book. It has been a favorite for years.

    I generally can separate the art from the artist, but there are certain things I just can't get past and this is one of them. Unfortunately, it has marred my impressions of all of Bradley's work. Mists of Avalon will always have a special place in my heart and memory, but I don't know if I will ever be able to read it again or even think about it without thinking about the author's actions. It is sad really. Like you, I wouldn't judge anyone who chooses to read it or any of Bradley's work for that matter.

    Thank you for sharing, Shannon! I appreciate your candidness.

  2. I've heard about this book before, but I've never read it. I am curious about this one. But I had to google the daughter, since I had no idea what you were talking about. It's just so shocking! Blegh..
    Thanks for sharing and joining this week!
