Meme: Book Blogger Hop - April 27th - May 3rd

Have you ever thought of writing a respectful, but angry letter to an author to ask them WHY they killed off one of your favorite characters in a novel?Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books

No, I have not, but that is a good one. I kind of want to do this now! 
I can not wait to go around and see if someone on the hop has done this. 


  1. I haven't either but I'm hoping someone has! I want to see if they got any kind of response.

    1. I need to go back and see if anyone has actually done this.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Lol yes it kinda didn't enter my mind till I seen the question either.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. I don't think I could ever, but it makes me want to!

  3. It is a pretty amusing thing to consider! It's never crossed my mind either, though. I get angry with authors, sure, but I'd never write a letter to demand answers over a plot point or character arc.

    Feel free to check out my Book Blogger Hop answer if you wish! :)

    - Charlotte (InkBlottings)

    1. I have gotten angry with authors, but that seems excessive. I do kind of want to do it to see what would happen. But not enough to actually do it.
