Sunday Post #6

hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

The Sunday Post is a chance to share news. (Blog related or not.)
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A Week in the Life


So a lot is happening, but at the same time not right now. It's weird.


So, I know this is late, but the GDRP stuff has me scared.
I don't have ads on my blog (I don't have enough views), but I do have affiliate links. I do make a point to label them clearly, but is that enough?

I have been frantically searching for a "dummies" version so I can double check.

Supposedly Google is on top of this (since I use blogger), but we have to check it ourselves.

Thus far it appears to be working, but my VPN is not being helpful with France. It keeps sending me to the Canadian site.


I really want to make a monthly rant meme where I can rant about anything - bookish or not. Thinking of calling it something like STFU Tuesday (or Thursday). I've had the idea for a while, but I feel like it could get out of control easily.
I have been prone to getting my rant on.


I wish I had a place to go to for parenting issues.
I can not get into here. Just wish there was a place to go. I'm at my wit's end right now.




7 Days to Die

Okay, okay. I am not playing it. 
My husband is and I watch him. 
The simplest explanation is (again) that's it's minecraft crossed with zombie survival.

(Okay, technically minecraft has zombies, but they only come out at night and you have the option to turn combat off.) 


Posts This Week 

(and the week before)


Anticipated Posts for Next Week

  • My Favorite .. 
  • Book Blogger Hop
  • Book Review


  1. I also use Blogger, and they took care of most of the important GDPR stuff for us. In my privacy policy, I mostly talked about the third-party stuff I use (ads, giveaways, email subscriptions, stuff like that). I hope I’m compliant, but who knows. The laws are meant to regulate huge websites, like Facebook, so they probably won’t come after us tiny book bloggers.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I did read on someone's blog that it was more for large sites. Which is a bit of a relief. I did see someone with a blogger blog that had a giant custom popup about data collection and I need to find out what was used.

  2. I'm sorry about your problems, hopes it gets better for you.

    GDRP is a pain in the tush.

    1. It has to do with school so it will mostly be over soon, but then may come back later!

      I'm trying to figure it out. I understand the importance, but at the same time, I'm not actually collecting data either! I'll figure it out one way or the other.

  3. I think your rant post idea is great. I like ranting- it's cathartic (and fun to read when others do it). :)

    Minecraft plus zombies DOES sound fun! I actually didn't know MC had zombies... hmm.

    GDPR is a pain lol. Hope you have a good week!

    1. I tend to go into rant-tangents that make everything worse, which is why I avoid them.
      Still debating on it.

      Minecraft does have zombies, but not in a typical zombie game fashion. The come out at night, burst into flame when the sun comes up. If I remember correctly, they do explode upon death. If you play on "peaceful" mode, they will not show up at all.
      It's an interesting game to watch - although it's still in alpha.

  4. Here's hoping you can find some escape into some good books in the upcoming week! Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. GDPR is such a pain. I hate all the popups that it's caused I've found Lala in the Library has posted some useful stuff - here that may help. Minecraft with Zombies sounds pretty fun! Hope you're having a great week!
