Summary (from goodreads):
The Lovely Bones is the story of a family devastated by a gruesome murder -- a murder recounted by the teenage victim. Upsetting, you say? Remarkably, first-time novelist Alice Sebold takes this difficult material and delivers a compelling and accomplished exploration of a fractured family's need for peace and closure.
The details of the crime are laid out in the first few pages: from her vantage point in heaven, Susie Salmon describes how she was confronted by the murderer one December afternoon on her way home from school. Lured into an underground hiding place, she was raped and killed. But what the reader knows, her family does not. Anxiously, we keep vigil with Susie, aching for her grieving family, desperate for the killer to be found and punished.
Edition Read: overdrive ebook
Where to buy: kobo*, google play, amazon*, nook*, book depository*, thriftbooks*
This one had me intrigued. It's a suspenseful mystery book... without any suspense or mystery.
By the end of the first chapter, you know what happened and who did it.
There are quite a few dull spots that meander without much purpose.
The heaven concept is unique. I wish we got to spend a little more time there.
I appreciate the ending, but it left me a little disappointed. Then again, this is not really a mystery/suspense book.

A solid read and an interesting experience. A little boring here and there. The ending was okay, but a little unsatisfying... like life sometimes. (Maybe that was the point?)
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