hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer
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Darkly, Dreaming Dexter
Dread Nation
The Hate U Give
The Outsiders
The Great Alone
Dorothy Must Die
The Great Alone
The Outsiders
Somehow managed to complete 3 readathons.
To be fair, these were not intense ones, but they were there and I managed to read 4 books over the course of 3 weeks, which given my massive slump and the shit storm that is my life right now... pretty damn good!
As of right now, I am only 8 books behind my Goodread goal! A few weeks ago it was 8! I think I may just be able to bounce back from this. *^-^*
Can I just say...
a massive failure.
For the record, I am not beating myself up at all.
I feel a little bit guilty for that, but the truth is ... I have a lot on my plate right now and that's okay.
My husband's surgery went well. (It was four weeks ago now!)
He is currently in a real plaster cast instead of the splints they've had him in.
Went to Michigan for a massive family reunion. That was nice... mostly. It wasn't bad, but carting an injured person halfway across the country is not simple. And we ended up just lounging around my grandparents the whole time and had to come home a day early for a doctor's appointment. Not a lot of sightseeing and ... I had to drive. I've never driven that much in one stretch or on the interstates like that in my life.
It was scary.
We closed on a house on Tuesday.
We still have the apartment until the end of the September, but my daughter wants her birthday party in the new house. (Next weekend!)
It'll be nice to have some space and not be all on top of each other.
Darkly, Dreaming Dexter
Dread Nation
The Hate U Give
The Outsiders
The Great Alone
Dorothy Must Die
The Great Alone
The Outsiders
Somehow managed to complete 3 readathons.
To be fair, these were not intense ones, but they were there and I managed to read 4 books over the course of 3 weeks, which given my massive slump and the shit storm that is my life right now... pretty damn good!
As of right now, I am only 8 books behind my Goodread goal! A few weeks ago it was 8! I think I may just be able to bounce back from this. *^-^*
Can I just say...
a massive failure.
For the record, I am not beating myself up at all.
I feel a little bit guilty for that, but the truth is ... I have a lot on my plate right now and that's okay.
.~*.*~.~*.*~.~*.*~.~*.*~.~*.*~.My husband's surgery went well. (It was four weeks ago now!)
He is currently in a real plaster cast instead of the splints they've had him in.
Went to Michigan for a massive family reunion. That was nice... mostly. It wasn't bad, but carting an injured person halfway across the country is not simple. And we ended up just lounging around my grandparents the whole time and had to come home a day early for a doctor's appointment. Not a lot of sightseeing and ... I had to drive. I've never driven that much in one stretch or on the interstates like that in my life.
It was scary.
We closed on a house on Tuesday.
We still have the apartment until the end of the September, but my daughter wants her birthday party in the new house. (Next weekend!)
It'll be nice to have some space and not be all on top of each other.
The State of the Blog
.~*.*~.~*.*~.~*.*~.~*.*~.~*.*~.- I have not abandoned the blog. On my end, it feels like I have, I've just been overwhelmed with life this summer. (Thank you summer for being awful... as always. Come on, fall!)
- I finally changed up my review style. A little less formal. Still not 100% how I feel about it. Will perhaps tweak it later, but I do feel less pressure with it now.
- Strongly debating on (temporarily) getting rid of affiliate links. Few people actually click on them and I've only had two people purchase... which was almost a year ago. For the record, I never viewed it as some grand money making scheme. I just thought, eventually, I might make just enough to purchase a domain name. Clearly, I do not post enough at the moment for this to happen any time in the near future and I am finding it kind of tedious to track down the links. I'd likely still post links to the individual shops... they just wouldn't be tied to me.
Anticipated Posts for Next Week
I'm trying to get my shit together. Really, I am.
Unfortunately, I still can not commit to anything at this time.
I'm trying to get my shit together. Really, I am.
Unfortunately, I still can not commit to anything at this time.