Sunday Post #15

hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

The Sunday Post is a chance to share news. (Blog related or not.)
Click above for more information and more posts!

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon Wrap Up

Yes, this is about a week late. ^^;

I checked out the mini-challenges and had hoped to participate in more (then I fell asleep instead). I ended up participating in exactly ONE mini-challenge.... and I won. O_O
I never expected to, but the challenge was pretty fun. (You had to guess the book title based on a one star review.)

I freely admit, I was not prepared. I didn't think to look stuff up until a few hours after it started and ... wow. This thing is intense and full of activities.

I started the day being thrown off by some home stuff. 
The short version is that I was supposed to have the house (basically) to myself for the pretty much the whole day and night and... that didn't happen. :( I did end up getting my alone time, but my mind was all over the place and I allowed myself to get distracted. When I did settle down to read, I ended up falling asleep.

I did love the event and how encouraging and wonderful people were to one another. 
I can not wait for the next one in April! 
I will be much more prepared (hopefully) next time.

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
All of them. I had no idea what I was doing.

2. Tell us ALLLLL the books you read!
Trail of Lightning - Rebecca Roanhorse. But I didn't finish it. It's good, but I've been tired and kept falling asleep.

3. Which book would you recommend to Readathoners?
I have no clue. Maybe start with some short stories or novellas to get into the groove. Save the bigger ones for later.

4. What’s a really rad thing we could do during the next Read-a-thon that would make you happy?
Is there a prep class to do for newcomers? LOLOLOLOL 
Seriously, nothing. This has been going on for so long and I feel like you guys have a handle on it.

5. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? Would you be interested in volunteering to help organize and prep?
Definitely! Now that I know how it is, I hope to sort of plan it out a little bit. Try to participate in some of the hourly stuff and what not.
Ummmmm I think I'm terribly underqualified to assist in prepping.

Throwback Thursday - BSC: The Ghost at Dawn's House

Throwback Thursday is weekly feature where I read and discuss a book I previously read or that I might have read "back in the day".

Disclaimer: This discussion reveals minor spoilers for later on during the series. Specifically about Dawn.
(Most fans are aware of some basic changes made throughout the series even without having read those specific books, but in case you haven't... you've been warned.)

Tuesday Tops

Tuesday Tops is my combined post of Top 5 Tuesday and Top 10 Tuesday

Sunday Post #14

hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

The Sunday Post is a chance to share news. (Blog related or not.)
Click above for more information and more posts!

Book Blogger Hop: Oct 19th - 25th

Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Edition!

If you were to dress up as a literary figure {author or character} for Halloween, who would it be? (submitted by Michelle @ Life Among the Pages)

Throwback Thursday: Claudia and the Lighthouse Ghost

Throwback Thursday is weekly feature where I read and discuss a book I previously read or that I might have read "back in the day".

Tuesday Tops

Tuesday Tops is my combined post of Top 5 Tuesday and Top 10 Tuesday

Blog Ahead: Progress Report

This challenge is host by Herding Cats & Burning Soup and is all about catching up and getting ahead with your blogging.

Blogging can be stressful. Especially when life gets busy with vacations, school, emergencies or when a dreaded blogging slumps hit. Blog Ahead aims at helping cut the stress by blogging ahead and creating a stockpile of scheduled posts that are ready to go when life gets a little crazy.

Whatever number of posts you have scheduled on October 1...add 30 posts and THAT's the goal you're aiming for by November 1.

*All challenge posts must go live after the event ends to count.

We are now at the halfway point and I have a grand total of 3 post finished and scheduled to post after October!

Okay, that's not a lot, but considering I'm not even through October, it's something. I'm just plugging away. EEK! I can't wait until I'm far enough ahead that I can just make a routine out of it instead of playing catch up all the time. (Then again, that's basically how I live my life, so...)

Here's to getting more done!

Arctober 2018

#ARCtober is month long reading challenge that runs from October 1st through October 31st. Challenge yourself to clear those ARCs off your TBR.
I won't be starting until Fraterfest ends (so starting Wednesday).

Where to find me

Here, obviously.

I'm not super active over there, but I am going to try.



I'm going to say my goal is to read 3 ARCs. I'm not entirely sure how realistic that is, but I think 3 is a good a place to start.


This is no where near the amount of ARCs I have, but just something to start with.


Hopefully, I can get at least one line completed. 
(I have one "holiday" ARC and I'm saving it for the HoHoHo Read-a-thon.)

Sunday Post #13

hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

The Sunday Post is a chance to share news. (Blog related or not.)
Click above for more information and more posts!




My husband took our son to the store and he is no longer being Bowser. He is Mario. This is a relief because the more I researched,  I knew Bowser was a no go for this year.

The network adapter on my laptop stopped working.... again.  So now I'm stuck using it downstairs with an ethernet cable. :(

The overdrive feature on my kobo randomly started working again.  (Yay)

My phone fell on the ground for something like the 10th time and the screen actually cracked. Going to get it fixed today.
.... and buy a case for it.  ^^;


The State of the Blog


Fraterfest 2018 has started!
Unfortunately, it got off to a rocky start since Tropical Storm Michael blew through on Thursday. (It wasn't the *whole* day, but I had not reading related things to do prior to that and then I spent the evening keeping watch for tornadoes.)
On top of that, it is a busy weekend, but I did finish one book so far!

Added a "Throwback Thursday" feature on my blog. I've been wanting to do for a while.
Basically, I read and comment on a book that I've already read (or might have read) "back in the day".


Last Week's Posts



Anticipated Posts for Next Week


  • [meme] Tuesday Tops
  • [feature] Throwback Thursday
  • [meme] Book Blogger Hop
  • [review] Clean Sweep
  • [meme] Sunday Post #14

My Lady Jane - Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows


In 3 Words


Cute (but silly)




This was a charming little novel. The writing is silly and very tongue in cheek. It just never takes itself seriously and is a lot of fun. There are a lot of pop culture references - the most obvious being Shakespeare and Monty Python. However, my favorite is when they slipped in an Ever After quote, which is one of my favorite movies (and hands down my favorite interpretation of Cinderella ever). 

I thought the blossoming romance between Jane and G was sweet and mostly well done. I didn't care for the secondary romance.

Definitely worth a read if you enjoy historical fiction that is not necessarily historical.


Mild Complaints Worth Noting


I wish the come back would have taken longer. I understand the reasons the authors chose to shorten it and they are open about the fact that this is 100% fiction, but Queen Mary I ruled for 5 years.

The hating on John Dudley for having a big nose went a bit over the top. 
It was fine for describing his appearance, showing another character's vanity, and semi-establishing a minor and unconfirmed plot line, but it was mentioned almost every time he entered into the picture by all three point of views. 

Omg, it's so big, it's the only thing can possibly see in this picture.

Book Blogger Hop: Oct 12th - 18th

Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Edition!

You are suddenly transported into a future time in which (horrors!) books are unknown. How would you explain books, and how wonderful they are, to the people of that time? (submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books)


This is tough because it's either a Fahrenheit 451 situation where movies and tv exist or it's where media in all it's forms is gone.

If other forms of media exist, I would just say it's like a movie, but you are experiencing it only through words (and/or still pictures).


If they don't, it's like listening to a story, but you are telling it to yourself through someone else's words.

Fraterfest 2018 Mini-Challenges

Over the course of the next six days your mission is to read as many books as you can in the following genres; Mystery, Horror, Supernatural, Thrillers, Killers, Paranormal, Fantasy, Cozies, Urban, Zombie and more. If it screams Fall to you, then enjoy!. Set your own scare level, if you need yours served with a side of romance, it’s ok by me. You’ll also get to take part in some lovely challenges thanks to our Zombie hosts!

Fraterfest Instagram Challenge

hosted by @jennifer_tbn

October 11: Read-A-Thon TBR

October 12: Thrilling Plot Line

October 13: Spooky Cover

October 14: Currently Reading

October 15: The End is Near...
October 16: She Saved the World ... a lot

Random Page Challenge

hosted by Wishful Endings

"You look gaga in the best of ways, Mrs. Dennison," says Travis.
Hocus Pocus and The All-New Sequel by A.W. Jantha
Page 181

Halloween Bookshelf / eReader Scavenger Hunt

hosted by Angela

1. An orange cover.

2. Feline or felines cover.

3. "Witch" title.

4. Tombstone or graveyard cover.

5. Necromancer cover

6. Witch hat cover.

7. "Bewitched" title.

8. "Spirit" title.

9. Bats cover.

10. "Ghost" title.

Throwback Thursday - Little House on the Praire

Throwback Thursday is weekly feature where I read and discuss a book I previously read or that I might have read "back in the day".

When Did I Read It?

I have no idea how old I was when I first read this one. I vaguely recall reading portions of it for school (early 1990s), but no specific grade. The earliest distinct memory was fourth grade, but I feel like I read bits and pieces prior to that.

I freely admit this has always been my 3rd least favorite of the series, but hey, sometimes, rereads are fun and reveal hidden depths.

How Does It Hold Up? 

Disclaimer: Obviously, a book about American Western Expansion, especially one written in the first half of the 20th century is not going to be the most enlightened novel.  
Unfortunately, even accounting for the time period... it did not hold up too well and actually moved down to 2nd least liked. 
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. 
I enjoyed the adventure of exploring a new area and seeing how they did things back then. For all his flaws, Pa's open-mindedness was a nice breather. I can absolutely understand why I loved reading this one as a kid.

My main issue with this book is that it's actually Pa's story and not Laura's. As a kid, I read the book more as an adventure and didn't mind so much, but as an adult... Charles Ingalls frequently put his family in unnecessary danger to fulfill his wanderlust and was up to some general shadiness.

For example: Early in the book, Laura asks if they are in Kansas.
Pa had word from a man in Washington that the Indian Territory would be open to settlement soon. It might already be open to settlement. They could not know, because Washington was so far away.
 Towards the end of the book, Pa makes this statement.
"If some blasted politicians in Washington hadn't sent out word it would be all right to settle here, I'd never have been three miles over the line into Indian Territory."

I mean, you either know... or you don't.
I think he knew.

This is also the one including the infamous scene where Laura throws a fit because Pa won't kidnap a Native American baby for her. 
I even remember reading this one as a child and thinking that was such a weird thing to do.

After some research, Laura's age in the book is supposed to be around 5 or 6, in reality she was only 2. This makes a lot more sense because toddlers are ridiculous. At least the parents handled the situation appropriately.