COYER Winter 2018

Challenge runs from December 1, 2018 to March 1, 2019.
(Click the picture for more info.)

The gist is to read digital books (e or audio) that you already have in your possession acquired -legally- for free or nearly free. (No more than $2USD ebooks / $5USD audio). 

I will be participating! 
(Obviously, why else would I make an entire post about it.)

I'm not going to be posting a TBR list, at least not right now.
I'm currently going through my emails and going to make a spread sheet with the prices so I can be prepared to make a quick decision when the time comes.

I don't see extra challenges or Read-a-thons posted up, but I'll be updating on what I plan on participating in at that time. 

You can follow my progress here at the blog, over on this goodreads shelf, instagram, and twitter. (Here and goodreads are your best bets, unless there is a challenge going on.)
I'm also in the Facebook group.

1 comment:

  1. A spreadsheet is a good idea. You can also check your Amazon digital orders, if you bought Kindle books. Have fun with COYER!
