Tuesday Tops

Tuesday Tops is my combined post of Top 5 Tuesday and Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Tuesday

Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by Bionic Bookworm.
Books I Almost DNF, But Am Now in Love with
I wanted to read this one for ages, but couldn't get into it at first. I then read a review on goodreads to give it 100 pages. If you get to the 100th page and you can't stomach to go on. STOP. This book isn't for you... but likely, you won't even notice you're at page 100 and just keep going, which was absolutely true for me. O_O 

I straight up DNF this one when I first read it. I ended up picking it up a couple years ago (after the election *cough cough*) and, well, it all clicked. Atwood is very lyrical and I have to be in the mood to read her. 

The "twist" legitimately saved the book for me. The first part is slow going. I really wasn't sure if he did it or not and wanted to find out, but not at an unputdownable rate.
Until the second half of the book which just hooked me. I am so glad I never read any spoilers for this one. It would have ruined the whole experience.

This one was more of DNF by default. I started reading this one shortly after my husband broke his ankle and couldn't really walk or care for himself a whole lot. This was a library ebook and I struggled to really sit down and absorb myself into a book at the time. I enjoyed it starting out, but I just couldn't relax into it.
Eventually, all the raving about it, I did pick it up again.
Totally worth it.

Love may be a bit strong for this one, but I did enjoy it a lot. It just took a while to get there. 

Top 10 Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.
It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Backlist Books I want to Read

There are so many. I really need to
A. Stop buying books.
B. Stop checking out books from the library (except maybe audiobooks - they are too expensive to buy)
C. Stop getting books from netgalley

To make it simple, I'm just going to repost my SciFiMonth TBR list that I posted on Instagram

I mean, there are A LOT more, but it's too many.


  1. I've heard so many things about Gone Girl, and I think I was spoiled for the twist, but I still kinda want to read it. And I've been watching the Expanse so the SA Corey books are suddenly looking good to me. :)

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if the twist was already spoiled. I'm still not sure how I escaped it (although I read it JUST before the movie came out, so that may be why.)

      I still need to watch The Expanse! The first book is excellent, although it can be a slog sometimes, but it also doesn't feel like filler for filler's sake.
