Sunday Post: #18

hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

The Sunday Post is a chance to share news. (Blog related or not.)
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The State of the Blog


This one may seem a bit odd given my lengthy absence, but I am currently debating on switching to a paid blog instead of a free one. I love free, but the thought of having my own domain name and playing around with is intriguing. I am currently undecided, especially since I am not a blog with a large following.
I kind of just want to do it for me, but then again...
I don't know.




I really wish I had a "good" excuse to put in here for why I haven't been active in a while.
The fact is, I don't really. A lot has happened since I stepped away, but none of it was the cause. I will try to keep this brief.

I reentered the workforce. I now work reception at a local gym. Not a dream job, but it's not overtly demanding or stressful (a first for me) and the extra money has been nice.

I went back to therapy. It's been helping a lot.

I plan to go back to school in the fall and finish my associates. Unfortunately, it's been so long that I will have to go for a solid 2 years to get it, even though I don't have to go full time. (Language credits.) I haven't signed up for classes yet as I still want to find out what financial aid I qualify for first.
(It's for a Liberal Arts degree since I already have about half my credits in it and am unsure of what I would like to do.)

My dog is now approximately 8-9 months old. He is very smart and has learned a decent number of tricks, although I need to work on distraction training.

My dad and his girlfriend got married after over 11 years of dating.

Last Week's Posts


  • Summer Coyer Signup [here]


  1. If you have the extra money I would go for your own site. I don't have a big following either but I LOVE my wordpress site so very much. I started with Blogger and this just gave me so much more freedom to design it how I wanted.

    I hope this week is awesome for you Shannon! Happy Reading!

    1. I'm not sure if I have the extra money or not. ^^;

      Wordpress intrigues me because I've heard nothing, but good things about .org. And that's mostly why I want it.

  2. If you aren't sure, I say to stick with the free option. Trust me. I was free and switched to self-host and it's expensive. So now I'm free again on Blogger, but I pay for my own domain :) only $12 a year so it's not bad at all.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I had to check out your site and I absolutely would have had no clue it was hosted by blogger at first glance!

  3. I've thought about going self- hosted as well for a while now. Good luck if you go that route! And congrats on your school plans!

    1. It's been rolling around my mind since I restarted this blog (when I created it, not just now). My first thought was to see if I could get enough ad revenue to pay for it on it's own, but then I stopped doing ads/affiliate links. ^^;

      It's something to think about for sure.

  4. I’ve considered self hosted a few times but i always decide the expense isn’t worth it.

    Going back to school sounds like a brave decision, good for you! I hope you get the financial aid you need.

    Have a great reading week

    1. This is why I go back and forth. Part of me thinks it may force me to get my butt in gear, but it could backfire. ^^;

      Thanks. I put it off for a long time because I just don't know what I want to do, but my therapist encouraged me to go for it anyway (since financial aid will likely cover almost all of it since it's a community college for an associates.)

  5. Lots of good changes and give your self a chance and take baby steps. If you start blogging regularly then maybe try it. I got Wordpress because the blogs I reviewed for had it so it was what I knew a little. I still don't know how to do many things. Have a lovely week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. More food for thought! Thanks for stopping by!
