Sunday Post #19

hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

The Sunday Post is a chance to share news. (Blog related or not.)
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The State of the Blog


Still undecided on self hosting. I am leaning towards the suggestion someone made about paying for a domain name on blogger and maybe getting (or paying) a more wordpress looking layout.




Not a lot happening these past two weeks. The first week was my daughter's last (half) week of school, my husband was out of town, and I had to work. This past week was mostly just me working.

I am struggling to find a good work/home life balance. It comes eventually, right?

Unfortunately, this left little in the way of extra time to read. Granted, yes I could have read, unfortunately, I haven't been able to read to decompress in years.

I registered for some classes, although I realized after that I am going to have to get different classes because they are too early in the morning. I am still trying to hear back about financial aid to see if any of this is even possible.

Happy Father's Day to those that celebrate.


Last 2 Weeks' Posts



  1. That's the way to go on blogging if you're not looking to get money from your blog for now. Maybe later on, it could work :) but if for now you just want to focus on sharing reviews and whatnot and don't want to pay too much, then Blogger is a great option and just look for templates that look super awesome! Cornerfolds and The Infinite Limits of Love also have Blogger :)
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. My ultimate goal has always been to maybe make just enough revenue to cover the costs of hosting. Nothing more, nothing less. I kind of gave up on that aspect a while ago though.
      Definitely checking out those other blogs for more inspiration, thanks for stopping by!

    2. You can DM me on Twitter or email me if you need any help :)

  2. Work/ home life balance can be tough. Good luck with your self hosting decision- it's something I've thought about too. :)

    1. It has been thus far. I'm hoping now that public summer activities are in full swing that things will get a bit easier.

  3. Balance can be elusive, you can only do what you can do.

    Have a great reading week
